You have a message, a story, or expertise you want to share with the world.
But, for one reason or another, you haven’t started the process... I’ve seen firsthand the impact writing a book makes on the author’s life. When I published my first book at 21 years old, it changed everything for me. And with every new book I published, the career and business opportunities available to me increased.
In this article, I want to share with you the cost of waiting to write your book based on my personal and professional experience because there are so many more benefits to writing a book than you can imagine.
A caveat before getting started: While this article assumes you are writing your book yourself (with the help of a professional), the benefits I mention extend to having a book ghostwritten for you. In the latter case, you may not reap all the fruits associated with doing the hard work of putting sentences and paragraphs together, but you enjoy the same clarity and confidence that comes with articulating your thoughts.
This is the dirty little book-writing secret no one talks about: Writing a book is one of the greatest personal development journeys—right after starting a business.
When you take the process seriously, you’re forced to articulate your thoughts, clarify your ideas, and confront your assumptions. Writing a book demands a level of introspection and self-analysis that few other professional activities can, so each day you spend delaying your book is a day you delay the incredible growth waiting for you.
The journey of writing refines your intellectual and communicative skills. In other words, it makes you sharp. Your book must be compelling—or else why would anyone read it?—and the process of making your book compelling makes you, well, compelling.
Writing a book helps you the most important pieces in communication: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. It requires you to analyze and organize complex information, hone your argumentation, and present your ideas in a clear, compelling way.
But that is not all. The process of writing and publishing a book transforms your self-perception and confidence. Holding your very own book in your hands and seeing your name on it provides an immense sense of accomplishment that leads most people to reevaluate their capabilities and potential. This boost in self-esteem transforms you completely and opens you up to new challenges and opportunities.
A book, when done right, is a powerful tool for establishing authority in your field.
It tangibly demonstrates your expertise and commitment to your subject. Nonfiction authors are seen as thought leaders, which opens doors to opportunities like speaking engagements, consultancy roles, and media appearances.
It’s not rocket science. If you produce a great piece of work, people logically deduce you’re a serious person. If the book is mediocre, though, you will not enjoy this benefit.
Here's an example. Someone once gave me a copy of their book at a professional event; not only was the cover unprofessional, but the formatting was also botched and the content clearly AI-generated. After going over the book, I did not wish to pursue further conversations about collaborations because I felt the author was unserious and it would reflect poorly on me.
Each day you wait to produce a great book, you potentially give these opportunities away to others who are less hesitant to claim their space in the dialogue of your industry. The first to publish often becomes the first to be consulted or invited to speak, and followers often find themselves responding to the groundwork they’ve laid.
So, sooner is better than later as far as writing your book is concerned.
Then, of course, comes the financial aspect.
From a business perspective, a book greatly amplifies your professional footprint. It opens up new revenue streams that go far beyond the sales of the book itself. Workshops. Seminars. Online courses. Even coaching services can stem from the publication of a book.
Your book can also attract high-value clients who are looking for proven expertise in your area. The credibility established by a well-received book often leads to contracts and partnerships that would be difficult to secure otherwise. Delaying your book not only postpones potential direct income from book sales but also slows the development of these related revenue streams.
Choosing to start your book now sets in motion a virtuous cycle of opportunities. For instance, my client, David Diehl, a retired educator, turned his decades of knowledge into a scalable book titled The Umbrella that laid the foundation for his coaching business.
Similarly, Maida, a life coach, found that her book opened up new avenues for growth that had been previously out of reach. Her authority, established through her published work, brought forth invitations to speak, collaborate, and expand her coaching practice beyond individual sessions to larger group settings.
I know the book writing journey can be daunting. Even though I became a published author at 21 years old, I have faced my fair share of resistance and procrastination. But, what has allowed me to get ahead in my writing and professional life is the very fact that I published my first book early in my life.
Why is that? Because I was able to experience the benefits of writing and publishing a book. So, every time I faced resistance and procrastination in the future, I knew what awaited at the end and it provided me with the fuel when I lacked the motivation.
My message to you is this: Your message deserves to be heard, your expertise shared, and your personal growth realized. The costs of waiting are far greater than the challenge of beginning. Don’t let another day pass with your potential untapped. Start now, embrace the process, and let it transform you.
To learn more about how Trivium Writing can help you write and publish your book, schedule a Free Book Planning session. During this call, we will brainstorm ideas for your book, map out your timeline, and tell you everything you need to know about the way we work with clients.